1.You surely know people who are able to memorize a sentence having listened to it only twice, while others need ten or more repetitions.
2.However, as you surely know by now, we obey the higher principles of Universal Law that prevents us from doing so.
3.As readers of this newspaper surely know, many of the world's biggest banks have lost lots of money, making complex bets in the markets.
4.I surely know the hundred petals of a lotus will not remain closed d for ever and the secret recess of its honey will be bared.
5.You surely know the throat is an extremely vital part of the body.
6.For inpidual creditors, the music sounds sweet today, but some of them surely know that the song is coming to an end soon.
7.I am and will be there for the first black world leader and you guys surely know of it.
8.Our would-be Japanese guests surely know the difference between puffery and truth.
9.These are kind of hard to describe unless you've seen one, but you will surely know one when you see it.
10.I surely know it cause I am not an idiot at all.